‘The Voice’ of Women in Mechanical Contracting
Podcasts & Newsletters
Welcome to “The Voice” Podcast and Newsletter Series, your source for stories and updates from women in the mechanical contracting industry. Tune in for engaging podcasts and informative newsletters that highlight achievements, challenges, and workshops to help you in your career.
Join us in celebrating the voices shaping the future of mechanical contracting.
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‘The Voice’ Video Podcast
Episode 5 – Fitting In: Redefining Women’s Workwear in Mechanical Contracting
Episode 6 – Tools for Wellness: Balancing Mental Health in Mechanical Contracting
Episode 7 – Coming Soon!
Episode 8 – Coming Soon!
Episode 1: Encouragement, Mentorship & Retention of Women in the Trades
Episode 2: How MCA Canada’s Student Chapter Program Changed My Career Path
Episode 2.5: A Conversation with Debbie Johnston, Ontario’s First Licensed Female Plumber
Episode 3: Empowering Women for Excellence: WIMC Committee and WXN Mentorship program
Episode 4: Leading the Way: WIMC’s Virtual Leadership Development Program Series