Project Management End-to-End and How Documentation Achieves Project Success by Avoiding Disputes, Claims and Litigation

The seminar begins by defining the Project Management aspects, the actions needed to achieve project success and the role of administering your project.  It will show how documentation serves to protect your interests, monitor and track progress, cost and productivity both during the project and after should disputes occur.


Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Bob Mattia

The seminar begins by defining the Project Management aspects, the actions needed to achieve project success and the role of administering your project. How documents become workable, functional and legal. It will show how documentation serves to protect your interests, monitor and track progress, cost and productivity both during the project and after should disputes occur. From this foundation the seminar demonstrates how proper management and administration can lower risk, increase productivity and solve problems before they occur, as well as create lessons learned and produce useable archives for future reference. The seminar concludes by reviewing alternative techniques and methods of documentations.