Michael Geraghty – Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada https://mcac.ca MCAC - The unified voice of Canada's mechanical contracting industry Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:37:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://mcac.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-cropped-MCACLogoSiteIdentity-32x32.jpg Michael Geraghty – Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada https://mcac.ca 32 32 5 Key Habits of Highly Successful Communicators https://mcac.ca/products/5-key-habits-of-highly-successful-communicators/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:37:35 +0000 https://mcac.ca/?post_type=product&p=1907 Duration: 1/2 to 1 Day

Instructor: Michael Geraghty

The ability to communicate effectively with other people is the most important skill in life and in your career. John D Rockefeller said it best: “I will pay more for the ability to communicate clearly and get on well with others, than for any other ability under the sun.” Great communicators operate on this key principle: “I am 100% responsible for my communication.” If there is a breakdown in communication, poor communicators blame the listener. Great communicators look in the mirror, take the blame and accept responsibility. This intensive and highly interactive workshop is based on best practices in the psychology of how we communicate with other people. The activities and topics that will be covered in this work shop include the following: An Amazing Model of Communication, Key Behaviors of Successful Communicators, “Sender” skills and “Receiver” Skills, Obstacles to communication and how to overcome them, 7 Skills of Great Communicators, Best Practices of great Listeners, 7 Key Psychology Needs that Make People Tick, How to Read People, A powerful Model of Persuasion, How to Influence People when You Have No Authority, The 7 Keys to Personal Power, Persuasive Strategies and Tactics, Think Win-Win, How to Deal with Difficult People and Situations, Your action plan for next 30-90 days.

Effective Negotiating/Power Secrets of Master Negotiators https://mcac.ca/products/effective-negotiating-power-secrets-of-master-negotiators/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:33:03 +0000 https://mcac.ca/?post_type=product&p=1906 Duration: 1/2 to 1 Day

Instructor: Michael Geraghty

Negotiation is the “art of friendly persuasion.” It is “the ability to sell yourself and your ideas.” Study after study reveals that negotiation is one of the top three skills in life and on the job. Great negotiators become key contributors to any company or organization. Great negotiators know exactly what they want and exactly how to get it. Their communication during negotiations is crisp, clear and concise. When difficulties arise during negotiations, they have the ability to make the necessary adjustments to achieve winning solutions. In this seminar, you will gain a great understanding of the psychology of negotiation and develop powerful skills to ensure your success. The activities and topics that will be covered in this work shop include the following: How Smart a Negotiator are You? – A Self-Evaluation, 18 Brand New Negotiating Strategies and Tactics, 7 Key Skills of Smart Negotiators, Smart Negotiation Skills Practice and Role-Play, How to Structure Your Own Strategy and Tactical Negotiation Master Plan, Knowing Your Own Behavioral Style in Negotiations – A Self-Evaluation, Understanding an Amazing Model of Persuasion, What’s a Person to do – Win/Win or Win/Lose? You Decide, Your Amazing Powers, including Some You Were Not Aware of, Your 30 Day Action Plan for Success.

How to Successfully Manage Conflict https://mcac.ca/products/how-to-successfully-manage-conflict/ Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:29:00 +0000 https://mcac.ca/?post_type=product&p=1905 Duration: 1/2 Day

Instructor: Michael Geraghty

Conflict in business is all too familiar-particularly under increased business pressures. Still, most of us lack basic conflict management skills. Rather than react to conflict on a purely emotional level, you can learn how to manage disputes and disagreements in a positive manner, or even avoid them altogether. This half day seminar will show you how to recognize the causes of interpersonal conflict. It emphasizes skills to help you critically evaluate conflict situations and then choose the appropriate strategies and tools to manage and/or resolve these conflicts. You’ll develop greater awareness of your emotional triggers and how to control them. In addition, you will learn how to continually action-plan around the implementation of your new skills. How you will benefit: recognize the underlying causes of conflict, map conflict using a five-step approach, identify ways to develop flexible responses to personal and professional conflicts, practice applying models, techniques and strategies to manage your interpersonal communication behaviours in conflict situations, implement strategies to improve your communication and effectively respond to conflict.
