Foreman – Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada MCAC - The unified voice of Canada's mechanical contracting industry Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:58:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Foreman – Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada 32 32 Managing Change Orders and Documenting Construction Disputes Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:58:43 +0000 Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Tom Williams

Change orders disrupt jobsites and often lead to disputes. Proven methods and strategies for managing change orders and minimizing conflict are presented. Case histories of successful conflict resolution will be critiqued.

Change Notice Management Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:57:08 +0000 Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Richard Worr

This course is designed specifically for the contracting industry professional with project responsibilities. The course deals with management of the change notice process. Students are introduced to the concept of change notice and its effect on the “Base Project”. “In class” exercises are conducted and practical industry examples of change notices are analyzed. A workshop environment is employed, case studies are reviewed, and techniques for managing the change notice process are taught and demonstrated.

Effective Negotiating/Power Secrets of Master Negotiators Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:33:03 +0000 Duration: 1/2 to 1 Day

Instructor: Michael Geraghty

Negotiation is the “art of friendly persuasion.” It is “the ability to sell yourself and your ideas.” Study after study reveals that negotiation is one of the top three skills in life and on the job. Great negotiators become key contributors to any company or organization. Great negotiators know exactly what they want and exactly how to get it. Their communication during negotiations is crisp, clear and concise. When difficulties arise during negotiations, they have the ability to make the necessary adjustments to achieve winning solutions. In this seminar, you will gain a great understanding of the psychology of negotiation and develop powerful skills to ensure your success. The activities and topics that will be covered in this work shop include the following: How Smart a Negotiator are You? – A Self-Evaluation, 18 Brand New Negotiating Strategies and Tactics, 7 Key Skills of Smart Negotiators, Smart Negotiation Skills Practice and Role-Play, How to Structure Your Own Strategy and Tactical Negotiation Master Plan, Knowing Your Own Behavioral Style in Negotiations – A Self-Evaluation, Understanding an Amazing Model of Persuasion, What’s a Person to do – Win/Win or Win/Lose? You Decide, Your Amazing Powers, including Some You Were Not Aware of, Your 30 Day Action Plan for Success.

How to Successfully Manage Conflict Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:29:00 +0000 Duration: 1/2 Day

Instructor: Michael Geraghty

Conflict in business is all too familiar-particularly under increased business pressures. Still, most of us lack basic conflict management skills. Rather than react to conflict on a purely emotional level, you can learn how to manage disputes and disagreements in a positive manner, or even avoid them altogether. This half day seminar will show you how to recognize the causes of interpersonal conflict. It emphasizes skills to help you critically evaluate conflict situations and then choose the appropriate strategies and tools to manage and/or resolve these conflicts. You’ll develop greater awareness of your emotional triggers and how to control them. In addition, you will learn how to continually action-plan around the implementation of your new skills. How you will benefit: recognize the underlying causes of conflict, map conflict using a five-step approach, identify ways to develop flexible responses to personal and professional conflicts, practice applying models, techniques and strategies to manage your interpersonal communication behaviours in conflict situations, implement strategies to improve your communication and effectively respond to conflict.

Getting More Life Out of Your Time Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:23:03 +0000 Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Gerry Call

During this workshop participants will develop customized strategies for improving their personal productivity. Participants will analyze their time use, conquer procrastination, master paperwork, establish clear goals and much more. Learn how you can accomplish more with your time. The main objective is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to take charge of their time to accomplish what they need to accomplish. After completing this training, participants will be able to recognize how their attitude to time use may impede or facilitate accomplishing their goals, log and analyze their time to spot patterns in how they currently use their time, prioritize what they want to accomplish and organize their time around these priorities, understand how to work with others to improve how everyone uses their time.

How to Find, Train, Motivate, and Retain Employees Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:20:46 +0000 Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Kevin Dougherty

Interested in building (and keeping) the perfect team? Addressing proven recruiting methods, leadership skills, productivity enhancement, and motivational techniques, this program is designed for anyone who manages people, including business owners, field foremen, office managers, department heads, superintendents, and estimators. This program has proven to be a number one convention program, and a leading frontline efficiency tool.

Construction – A People Business Thu, 23 Jan 2020 14:18:30 +0000 Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Kathryn Crosby

People and personnel issues are by far the most difficult things you deal with in your business every day. In this session, you will discover your natural styles for managing conflict, behavior, and handling difficult people. Through exercises, discussion, and workshops, you will learn how to identify and deal with others in the most efficient and effective way.

Interpersonal Skills of the Project Team Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:22:09 +0000 Duration: 1/2 Day

Instructor: Kathryn Crosby

People skills are usually the most sought after and least developed skill in a company. Being able to communicate with, get along with and work with people is essential to the success of a project or a company. Often, people are forced to work together without taking time to get to know each other. This course explores many topics including: assessing and using your natural behavior style to your advantage; learn to assess other’s behavior style, how to deal with people that are not like you; developing effective teams.

Understanding and Resolving Conflict Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:20:14 +0000 Duration: 1/2 Day

Instructor: Kathryn Crosby

Conflict is a given. It occurs daily to every person on the planet. However, understanding when and why conflict occurs will help participants lose their fear of conflict and teach them how to solve it. Through lecture and role play, topics explored are: identify and understand your own conflict management style; learn conflict management strategies and the appropriate use of each strategy; what are the most important qualities one can develop when managing conflict.

The Art of Being an Effective Manager Wed, 22 Jan 2020 19:17:25 +0000 Duration: 1 Day

Instructor: Kathryn Crosby

Being an effective manager means far more than directing the resources needed to accomplish a task. In this seminar participants will learn 8 essential elements to being an effective manager: integrity first, last, and always; leading the charge – elements of successful leadership; what they see is what they get – projecting an image; words – the art of communication; human capital – your most valuable asset; performance – manage what you measure; motivation – what moves and inspires people; coaching – develop a game plan, align the troops, and get out of the way.
