admin – Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada MCAC - The unified voice of Canada's mechanical contracting industry Wed, 30 Oct 2024 20:10:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 admin – Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada 32 32 MCAC Supports the Creation of Construction Cost Relief Program Tue, 07 Apr 2020 12:41:58 +0000 Emergency COVID-19 Construction Cost Relief Program would provide much needed support to contractors across Canada

OTTAWA, April 7, 2020 — The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) was pleased to see the call from the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) to establish an Emergency COVID-19 Construction Cost Relief Program to help contractors grappling with the financial implications of project shutdowns, delays, and losses of productivity as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As with industries across Canada, the construction industry and the mechanical contracting sector have been faced with unforeseen challenges and issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dave Holek, MCAC President and Chair. “Whether it is the necessary but added costs of health and safety to protect workers, losses in productivity as we adapt to the changing requirements for job sites, or supply chain and payment problems as a result of shutdowns or delays, the COVID-19 pandemic has already proven to have far-reaching consequences. Our association supports any measures to help contractors access liquidity or financial support to help contractors work through this crisis.”

In a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dated March 30, 2020, MCAC noted several ways the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mechanical contractors, including site shutdowns and delays on projects. At the same time, new health and safety programming for construction projects deemed as essential have added new costs for project stakeholders, while reducing the overall productivity of those projects as contractors and workers implement new protocols.

To help address these and other issues, MCAC asked, among other requests, that the federal government provide financial support for those construction firms affected by the closure of construction sites and any project delays as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The request to establish an Emergency COVID-19 Construction Cost Relief Program reinforces the fact that contractors across Canada are facing unprecedented challenges,” added Holek. “We are pleased to see any efforts that will help our members through this crisis and beyond, and we look forward to working with governments at all levels to ensure our industry is fully prepared to help rebuild the Canadian economy when the dust settles on COVID-19. We are all in this together.”


A Message from MCAC President and Chair Dave Holek Fri, 27 Mar 2020 17:58:41 +0000

March 27, 2020

“In like a lion, and out like a lamb.”

Or at least that’s what March is normally supposed to be like.

Instead, March 2020 will be one that many of us will never forget as we all deal with this very serious crisis that is upon us.These are unprecedented times, and each day brings more news and information to respond to as an industry.

As a business owner, this crisis has put issues in front of me that I never thought I would face. And as President and Chair of the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada, I am consistently mindful of the impact it is having on our close to 1,000 members across Canada. I have no doubt that you are all facing new challenges and hardships that none of us have had any experience in.

With that being said, I think it is important to note just how responsive and innovative our members have been in these trying times. As challenges have arisen, our members across Canada have showcased their willingness to support all Canadians; to ensure the systems Canadians rely on continue to function; and to support the industries and health care professionals on the front-lines of this crisis. On behalf of MCA Canada, I want to thank all of our members for the work that you are all doing.

I know we are facing unique challenges, and I know that our industry will continue to play a vital role for Canada now, and into the future as we come out of this crisis. I want to reiterate that MCA Canada is working hard on your behalf, and we will continue to share resources with you while ensuring your voice is heard throughout this crisis. We continue to communicate with our partners and with you, the member; this is something I believe is essential during this time. By working together, with a collective and collaborative voice, we can help our industry get through this unique and unprecedented time.

Also, on a personal level, I would like to be very clear that right now, we need to not only keep communications going at the association level, but also keep a very open line of communication with all our families, friends, business associates, employees and all who live in our communities. Please provide support when needed. We all must do our part to beat this and put it behind us.

I know there are likely unforeseen circumstances and challenges still to come, and I believe our industry will be able to answer the call. But most importantly, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this time.

Mechanical Contracting Industry Encourages the Government to Continue Support for Businesses and Workers During Global Pandemic Tue, 24 Mar 2020 16:07:18 +0000
For Regular Updates and Resources Concerning COVID-19, Visit the MCA Canada COVID-19 Resources Page

The Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada supports measures to keep Canadians safe and healthy, while encouraging continued aid for small and medium-sized firms

OTTAWA, March 24, 2020 – As the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis continues to unfold across Canada, the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) has indicated its support of public health agencies in their efforts and measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.

As a national association of close to 1,000 contractor firms, the safety of members and their employees remains paramount, and MCAC understands the importance of measures being put in place to protect all Canadians. At the same time, the Association noted the importance to support businesses and employees as construction faces shutdowns and delays across Canada.

“As with all industries across Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a disruptive effect on Canada’s mechanical contracting sector, but we are encouraged the federal government is taking steps to support Canadians and businesses impacted by this unique situation,” said Dave Holek, President and Chair of MCAC. “The announced programs to provide direct support to employees and additional liquidity for small and medium-sized businesses have been great first steps in dealing with this crisis. Our hope is the government understands how this crisis will negatively impact mechanical contractors in both the short and long-term, and put the appropriate measures in place to support our industry.”

Many construction contracts do not allow for remuneration to occur if a project is delayed due to unforeseen conditions or any cause beyond the control of the contractor. The result is that many contractors will find themselves in difficult circumstances as it relates to cash flow, particularly if payments have been made or are due to suppliers and other parties and stakeholders in the construction project supply chain.

“For our MCAC members on existing projects, or those unable to take on projects due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these closures or delays can have significant or even disastrous consequences for a business,” added Holek. “Because payment through the construction supply chain could be halted until such time that work can begin again, we would encourage the government to find means to support those contractors affected by stoppages of work.”

MCAC will continue to enforce that contractors across Canada will be vital for rebuilding the Canadian economy, particularly as the dust settles on the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this important role, it is essential contractors have the cash flow and the capacity to respond to the needs of Canadians when this crisis comes to an end.


Unifirst Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:00:25 +0000
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Linde Canada Inc. (Formerly Praxair Canada Inc.) Fri, 28 Feb 2020 14:58:58 +0000
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Perkopolis Fri, 28 Feb 2020 14:57:26 +0000
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PARK’N FLY Fri, 28 Feb 2020 14:38:02 +0000
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Mark’s Work Wearhouse Fri, 28 Feb 2020 14:25:23 +0000
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Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (Stellantis) Fri, 28 Feb 2020 13:54:05 +0000
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Choice Hotels Canada Fri, 28 Feb 2020 13:50:35 +0000
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